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Five Year Plan

Five - year Plan

Every year we plan to focus on five areas/sectors besides enabling any specific needs of the  industry and other stakeholders from the society. To ensure tangible results for areas  selected, in addition to the activities and initiatives that have been carried out since  inception we will be implementing sector specific ones as well. Each of the sector specific  ones will start with pilot projects. The outcome of pilot projects would give a clear view of  areas where corrections are needed. Post success of pilot projects, they can be implemented  stage wise. Use of affordable high – end technology as far as possible to implement, measure,  monitor and improve needs to be done. The focus would be on upgrading current activities  and implementing new ones if needed. This would save resources and give a tangible result  in a short time. Each of the initiatives will have to be completed in a time – bound manner.  

A key essence of the Five year plan is to have organic socioeconomic growth in Tamil Nadu. Like any plant to grow well, its environment from fertile soil, water and so on is necessary, for the 1st year our main focus is on creating a healthy, empowered society from where the workforce for the future will come from. For this we have selected Five areas:  

Education, Empowerment and Employment (EEE)  (2020 – 2022) 

Healthcare (2020 – 2022) 

Agriculture (2020 – 2022) 

Social and Cultural Development (2020 – 2022)

Textiles (2020-2022) 


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