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Olympics Promotions / Support And Delegations

KNCCI : “Inspired by Tokyo 2021”

“Miraitowa” and “Someity” are much more than Olympic mascots. They are symbols of how humankind thrives in tiring times. They both reflect the power of mind and body with discipline which the Japanese have time and again achieved in sports like in any other field. Who can forget Shun Fujimoto who lead Japan win team gold in gymnastics at the 1976 Olympics with a fractured knee, an outcome of extraordinary training and determination! As a part of the celebration of the spirit of the Olympics, KNCCI is conducting two initiatives:

KNCCI delegation visit to Japan

The purpose of the delegation is to know how the entire event was planned from scratch by the leadership team from the Government of Japan, the industries involved, and the foremost the sports associations. The visit would include meeting with His Royal Highness Emperor Naruhito, His Excellency Prime Minister, Members of Parliament, leadership from industry, and sports authorities.

Olympics campaign: “For sports for Tokyo 2021”

Sports for ages has been an enabler to bring up people across the strata of society. There are numerous stories of iconic sportsperson who have set the benchmark in sports who fought against all odds. We at KNCCI will be doing events with icons of the sports fraternity of Tamil Nadu using multiple media for people to know how they achieved their dreams. We at KNCCI requests members to associate with the campaign as part of their CSR initiative.

Gold – Winning Japan Men’s Gymnastic Team of 1976 Montreal Olympics

Gold-Winning Indian Men’s Hockey
Team of 1964 Tokyo Olympics

“India winning the gold medal in men field hockey at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics is still fresh in our
memory, Thanks Tokyo”.
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